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The Dukes, 20.10.2012


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Conditions 2012 Junior Champion of Champions

(a) The starting field shall comprise a maximum of 78 competitors invited by the SGU.
(b) The event shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited and with the Local Rules as approved by the Championship Committee and the SGU hard card. It shall comprise 18 holes of stroke play.
(c) The event will be under the charge of the Championship Committee of Scottish Golf Union Limited (3 members forming a quorum) to whom all disputes will be referred and whose decision shall be final. The Committee reserves the right to amend the Conditions of the event.
(d) There will be separate Girl & Boy categories. The winner of each category shall be the competitor who returns the lowest gross score for 18 holes. Prizes will be awarded to the leading 3 players in each category.
(e) In the event of a tie after 18 holes the competitor with the best last 9 holes (holes 10 – 18) will win, if still tied the last 6 holes (holes 12 – 18), if still tied the last 3 holes (holes 15 – 18), if still tied the last hole (hole 18) and if still tied sudden death from the 1st hole. Other tied prize winning positions will be sorted as per this countback procedure.
(f) Players unable to compete on Saturday 20 October must confirm their withdrawal by telephoning 01334 466477 (Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm) or 07788 923269 (Saturday 20 October only).

(g) The specimen conditions in the Rules of Golf (Pages 141 & 142) are in effect regarding Conforming Driver Heads and Conforming Golf Balls.
(h) No caddies are allowed.
(i) A competitor is not permitted to withdraw at any stage of the event except for emergency reasons or medical circumstances explained to and deemed acceptable by the Championship Committee. A competitor failing to notify the Championship Committee in person of his withdrawal before departing the event venue will be subject to an automatic two year ban from all SGUL events. Only in exceptional circumstances and on formal appeal will the ban be lifted.
(j) During the stipulated round, a competitor may not use a motorised vehicle unless specifically authorised by the Committee.
(k) Pace of Play (Note 2 to Rule 6-7). In the absence of mitigating circumstances, a group is liable to be timed if it is in excess of the time allowed and, in the case of 2nd or subsequent groups, out of position. The time allowed will be determined by the Championship Committee and will be published and distributed to all competitors.
(l) SGUL arranges publicity before and during the event in the Press and by live and recorded radio and television broadcasting and filming and on the Internet. Each competitor by entering the event and by agreeing to these terms and conditions assigns to SGUL and its assignees and licensees the right in perpetuity throughout the world to make, use, exhibit and reproduce in any way now known or hereafter devised (and to authorise others to do so) for commercial and other purposes from time to time and at their discretion, motion pictures, still pictures, live taped or filmed television, sound recordings and any other reproductions of any description of the competitor made during or in connection with the event (including, without limitation, during practice and play) without compensation for the competitor or the heirs, successors, executors, administrators or assignees of the competitor. The competitor also assigns the right to use and reproduce the competitor’s name, voice, likeness and biographical material in any way now known or hereafter devised by SGUL for the purpose of promoting the event and any subsequent events, without compensation for the competitor or the heirs, successors, executors, administrators or assignees of the competitor including in circumstances where it may include the logo of a third party or of a sponsor or patron of the event or any subsequent events or any other activities undertaken by SGUL. A competitor shall be responsible for ensuring that his caddie (where applicable) will assign to SGUL and its successors and licensees equivalent rights in relation to the caddie. Notwithstanding the foregoing grant of rights, SGUL and its assignees and licensees agree that, other than as permitted above, they will not authorise any company contractually associated with SGUL to use the competitor’s name, voice, likeness and biographical material in any way which constitutes the endorsement of a product or service, without first requiring such associated company to obtain the competitor’s authorisation.
(m) Scorecards must be signed and returned to the Championship Office immediately after play.

Competitors Information:

Car Park
Competitors may use the main car park. The Scottish Golf Union, Scottish Ladies Golfing Association and The Duke’s cannot accept responsibility for any damage to cars.

Bar snacks will be available all day from 0800. All catering is at the competitor's expense.

The clubhouse will be open at 8.00am. Competitors are permitted the use of the clubhouse facilities.
In all clubhouse areas and on the course casual wear is acceptable for competitors but must be smart. THE WEARING OF JEANS, DENIM TROUSERS, SLEEVELESS OR COLLARLESS SHIRTS, FOOTBALL COLOURS AND TRAINING SHOES IS NOT PERMITTED.


Changing facilities are available in the Ladies & Gents Locker Rooms. Coin operated lockers, showers and towels are available but towels must remain in the Changing Rooms.

Yardage Books and Caddie Cars
The Professional’s Shop has a supply of trolleys for hire on a first come serve basis. Yardage books will be available for purchase from the Professionals Shop.

Registration & Play
Competitors must register at least 30 minutes prior to their morning starting times as shown on the official draw sheet. Each competitor will be issued with a copy of the local rules, pin positions and pace of play guidelines when registering at the Championship Mobile Office.

Competitors will play one round on Saturday 20th October.

COMPETITORS MUST REPORT TO THE OFFICIAL STARTER AT THE FIRST TEE OR TENTH TEES 5 MINUTES BEFORE THEY ARE DUE TO PLAY. Competitors are reminded that late arrival at the first/tenth tee may result in disqualification as no provision has been made under Rule 6-3.

CADDIES ARE NOT PERMITTED AND COMPETITORS ARE REMINDED THAT THEY MUST NOT SEEK OR ACCEPT ADVICE FROM PARENTS, OTHER COMPETITORS OR ANY OTHER PERSON. NB. "Advice" is any counsel or suggestion that could influence a player in determining his play, the choice of a club or the method of making a stroke.

In the interests of all, each competitor should play without delay, leave a bunker as he would expect to find it, replace divots and repair pitch marks.

There will be no official practice round but competitors may organise to pay and play the course prior to the event by booking through The Duke’s on 01334 470214. The discounted greenfees are £19 (Junior Rate) and £35 (Parents/Guardians).

Complimentary balls for practice will be available on the The Duke’s driving range, which will open at 0800.

There will be a prize presentation on conclusion of play in the clubhouse. Prizes will be awarded to the leading 3 boys and the leading 3 girls. All prize winners are expected to attend the prize presentation.

The Duke’s, the Scottish Golf Union and the Scottish Ladies Golfing Association cannot accept responsibility for players’ property during the event.

By order of the SGUL Championship Committee October 2012

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